Twittbook or facewitter!! Could it be LINKEDBOOK?!!


Social media has been emerging in the last decade. But what is taking place is lately is a huge consolidation between social media ports. So lately, I cannot see the difference between Facebook and Twitter as it was 2 years ago. After adding hash tags to facebook, and after the huge number of photos that are being uploaded on Twitter, it made me to stop at a point and try to differentiate between both sites, and at the end I did not find any exclusive differentiator for any but in the minds of users and a little difference in the lay out.

Again, the same is happening for social networking sites for business professionals. Going through the latest updates and how users can make use of, I found that they are almost the same, with off course Linkedin being the most widely used between professionals. But at a fast comparison between and, I have noticed that both are emerging in the same way. Differentiators are melting between sites and still they are serving almost the same people in almost the same way. And again the differentiators are set at the mind of users only.

Will this lead to a further emerging in the social media?? Will we see linkedin entering the line of Facebook, or biznik users are tweeting on linkedin for other facebookers??

The answer in my point of view will be a total YES. It may take some time till the market of social media is more competitive and less differentiated; I guess we will see higher mix between goals and strategies between social networking websites. But the biggest question that I cannot find an answer now not even a guess: Will we see a merger between different social networks from different categories in one network?? And if it will happen, will it be soon??